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  • June 28, 2024

    Guys In Sweatpants ROUGH FUCKING SIREN

    When you find someone who's into the same stuff as you, you hold onto that person, and fuck their brains out. Meet Evan and Siren, the newest addition to the GuysInSweatpants roster. Evan is 6'3", 205lbs with hands that fit perfectly around Siren's throat. Siren is a 5'6" ripped stud with a nice uncut cock, and insatiable desire for dick and cum. They both just happened to love aggressive, sweaty, deep fucking, and that's exactly what they did. As soon as the camera came out, they were ripping each other's clothes off, and fucking until Siren was covered in both of their loads You could see the sexual tension exploding as they ravaged each other's bodies. Be sure to watch through the end to see them talk about their favorite parts of the sex!

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