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  • June 15, 2024


    Whenever there is a horny event with a guaranteed fuck loads of sex, you can count on AJ Baxter to be in any city country 🌍 or Glory-hole 🕳 either on his knees, serving all the cum filled balls or handcuffed in a sling, getting pounded bareback till the early hours of the night every night 🌙 We literally see him at every sex or fetish event we go to! He is a hard-core trooper and sex lover with the idea of him, getting a obliterated at any given moment 👍 We were in Spain and he was there of course for the Grabbys 🏆 and he had accidentally arrived a day early so we offered him a bed for the night. However he was more interested in getting his hole filled and asked if we knew anyone 🤔 We had actually met up with Snauwflake ❄ a guy we had filmed being fucked on the balcony the year before 🌞 They were the perfect twink twosome to get the week started 😍 JBSketch showed them around the apartment, making sure they knew which room was his 😉 BUT AJ was too eager to see what was inside Snauwflake’s pants and he does have a nice long smooth cock. Perfect shape to fit in anyone’s gob. 👅 Fucked him hard on the bed and AJ consumed his cock riding like then confident slut he is 💥 Jamie was ready with the cam 📹 to watch the two fuck and cover AJ with CUM 💦 Absolutely dripping with sweat and spunk. They didn’t even wash it off the dirty fuckers 🚿 Covered in their guy smell for the day, ready for a week full of fucking.

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