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  • June 10, 2024

    Staghomme STORY: The Mafia CHAPTER 5: Mafia's Shadow

    It's evident to me however, that even with me having seen some of these men before, I am just another play thing to them. It's hard for me to forget a man like Manuel Skye after having my hole practically split open by his thick uncut cock. But I am a loyal submissive, and I do whatever I am told, without question. He undresses me as he searches for the wire that isn't there, an excuse to feel those big hands roam across my skin, and my ass. Having a strong man take control makes me feel so small. The moment any article of clothing comes off I immediately feel dominated, almost as if with each piece I take off the closer I get to being fully aroused. I open Manuel's shirt as he leans in for a kiss. I drop to my knees as I eagerly guide his big dick into my mouth, savoring the taste of it again on my tongue. I can feel Manuel get into position as I open my throat, willingly accepting every hard thrust of his pelvis all the way down. Gagging as I bob up and down his foreskin, a proper facefucking by the DILF as I hear him groan in pleasure. There's nothing like this older man's thick cock and I can't wait to take a seat on his glorious member to refresh my memory of how good he feels inside my hole.

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